  • teen on their cell phone

    Can We Hold These Three Truths about Tech and Teens at the Same Time?

    Our Kids’ Mental Health Depends On It

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  • Kids and teens in a circle with their heads together

    FREE Parent Guides –

    Brain Insights and Warm Advice

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  • Family holding hands with each other

    You deserve extra support right now.

    Online classes delivering science, affirmation, and advice.

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  • Erin Walsh Co-Founder of Spark and Stitch Institute sitting next to a school

    “Let’s support each other in the messy space between the ideal and the real.”

    Erin Walsh, Co-Founder, Speaker, Writer, and Parent


Spark Understanding, Stitch Connections

We use brain science to spark understanding, and stitch science to practical strategies for raising connected and courageous kids online and offline.

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Tired of Googling? Let us translate the research for you. Read the blog.

Icon of a red spark for Spark & Stitch Institute    Grow Your Understanding

Icon of a red spark for Spark & Stitch Institute   Communicate Better

Icon of a red spark for Spark & Stitch Institute    Connect More

It isn’t always obvious what kids and teens need from us.

  • Do you find yourself wondering “Is this going to turn out okay?”
  • Do you want to avoid shame-based parenting advice?
  • Does conflicting research overwhelm you?
  • Do you want to better understand what is going on inside your child?
  • Do you want to prepare your kids for caring and courageous action?
  • Do you need affirmation that you got this?

Workshops, online classes, and free resources to better understand kids and teens so you can focus on raising them.

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Brain Science

Screen Time



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