• Raising LOVE&GRIEF

    Experience Sharon Bridgforth’s forthcoming work Before You Go.
    An event for parents.

Minneapolis, MN

January 11, 2025 from 10 am – 12 pm at The Playwright Center in Minneapolis. Free childcare provided.

Join nationally celebrated playwright Sharon Bridgforth to experience sharing from her soon to be released book Before You Go: An Offering (Tripwire Harlot Press). Sharon describes the book as “a collection of prayers, fragile memories, heartache, questions, and conjurings of physical release, offered in support of Shifting.”

Sharon will lead you through prompts and practices around what it means to be a parent while navigating complex relationships with your parent(s)—whether they are still with you or have passed.

“This book is my Journey with my embodied understanding of my wounded heart. And the Work that I have done for my own self/for all generations within and beyond the veil. For my mother. And my daughter.”

 – Sharon Bridgforth, Playwright, Artist, and Parent

Spend the morning with:

Sandy Agustin, Artist-Performer, Teacher

Meet Sandy

Sharon Bridgforth, Playwright, Writer, and Parent

Meet Sharon

Head shot of performance artist and writer Miré Regulus

Miré Regulus, Multidisciplinary Artist and Parent

Meet Miré

Headshot of Diver Van Avery, co-founder of Minneapolis-based Poetry for People

Diver Van Avery, Therapist, Artist, Parent


Erin Walsh, Speaker, Parent, Facilitator


Please join us if you are a parent who is:

– Taking care of aging parents

– Processing the recent or far back loss of your own parent/s

– Anticipating a change in the health or needs of your parent/s

– Experiencing a complicated, cut off, or limited relationship to your parent/s

We use the word parent in the broadest sense possible – including any adult in your life who helped raise you up. And/or if you are an adult in someone’s life helping raise them up.

  • What is the story that you are holding 

    that has a hold on you

    that it is time to release?

    – Sharon Bridgforth, excerpt of prompts from Before You Go

This event is a collaboration between Minneapolis-based Poetry for People and Spark & Stitch Institute.

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.