Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Please choose your ticket price(Required)Sliding scale. Your registration fee goes directly to artist Sharon Bridgforth. $0 $20 (suggested) $30 Childcare registration is currently closed. Please email to see if there are still spaces available for your child(ren). Thank you!Do you plan on using the free childcare available at the event?(Required)Available for children ages 3 and up Yes No Please list the number of children who need childcare and their agesWe know that your needs may change before the event. This will just help us get a sense of how many children to plan for.How did you hear about this event? Coupon Consent(Required) I agree to the terms and conditions.(Required)You will receive communication related to the event Raising Love&Grief as well as practical information and updates from Spark & Stitch Institute. Total EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ