
Talking With Children and Taking Action To Stop Anti-Asian Racism

A Resource Roundup

This week’s deadly attacks in Georgia are deeply upsetting and frightening for parents and kids alike – especially parents and children who identify as Asians, Asian Americans or Pacific Islanders. Yet we know that these attacks are far from isolated events. Violence and harassment against Asian-Americans did not start with the COVID-19 pandemic, but data shows that there has been an alarming escalation of violence against Asian American and Pacific Islander communities in the last year.  It should not take deadly violence to bring much-needed attention and action to stopping AAPI hate.

The work of raising connected and courageous kids means rooting out anti-Asian racism in all of its forms, buffering children who are the targets of anti-Asian hate from the worst effects, and raising children with healthy, whole identities who are prepared to build a more just and equitable world for everyone.

Anti-Asian discrimination and violence is baked into the history of the United States and there is no quick remedy. It is critical to listen to, trust, and amplify Asian American voices in this moment and always. We are grateful for the following scholars, parents,  leaders, and artists for resources that will help us in this essential work. This is by no means an exhaustive list (far from it!) but one of many starting places for those who need it right now:


Online sessions:

Children’s Books