Parenting Blog

Teen listening to music

Influence of Music on Youth

How many hours do teenagers listen to music, a day? Including all music devices? Amanda, Nevada Amanda, Thanks for the question. We spend a lot of time focusing on cell phones, video games, and TV – but certainly listening to music continues to be one of teens’ favorite digital activities. Music has been central to…  Read More

Two teenage boys playing video games

Do Violent Video Games Matter?

Is there a certain type of game that effects attitude in children more? Do you think that certain media should be banned or have more restrictions? Jesse, Rush City, MN Thank you for the good question, Jesse. Nicholas Johnson, a Federal Communications Commissioner, said almost fifty years ago, “All television is educational. The question is,…  Read More

Dad engaging kids in book boosting early childhood literacy

Early Childhood Literacy – Raising Readers

Early childhood literacy starts long before babies can read. Get started today: Talk talk talk. Talk with your baby a lot, even before she is able to speak. Because children learn to speak by copying the language they hear, they need talkative role models. Read to your baby every day. Starting a tradition of reading…  Read More