Executive Function

Three children engaged in free play in a field

Free Play Builds Brains

A Lesson From Caine's Arcade

If you haven’t seen the Caine’s Arcade video, you should watch it immediately. In fact, here it is: The magic of this video is that transports us into the vibrant world of childhood imagination. Caine’s imagination manifests in an elaborate handmade arcade (his tools: cardboard, tape, scissors, and markers). Watching Caine at work reminds me…  Read More

Kid sitting on couch holding video game controller and looking at books.

“Digital Discipline” and Cutting Down on Digital Distractions

There has been a dramatic increase in parental and teacher concern about technology “overuse” as more and more children and teens have their own smart phones and more of their social life is spent on line either texting or on social networking sites. While it is clear that there is enormous benefit to growing up…  Read More

Kids demonstrating the benefits of exercise by being active in the school day

Brain Benefits of Exercise

Why Active Kids do Better in School

School districts strapped for cash and facing pressure to increase test scores often try to preserve classroom instruction by making cuts to physical education and recess. Districts are making very difficult decisions and I don’t envy them! Unfortunately, based on the latest brain science, cutting exercise can be counterproductive. Brains and Bodies Are Connected Think…  Read More

Secure attachment is the foundation of self-discipline

Dr. Dave, I know that you do a lot of research on self-discipline and self reliance. I work with new parents and many are worried about “spoiling” their babies by responding immediately to their cries and picking them up. How should I respond? Cheryl, Mississippi Can you spoil a baby? Anxious to get their kids…  Read More

Back of teenagers head looking at computer with phone near her

Managing the Multitasking Generation

I just wrote a post about the brains of the multitasking generation and the cognitive costs of juggling too much at the same time. Here are some tips for parents to make sure your children have multitasking under control. Their brains will thank you! Explain to your child that his or her brain is like…  Read More