
Child learning media literacy skills on his laptop

Media Literacy Matters

Children and youth today have the world at their fingertips. They can access libraries with the click of a button, download thousands of books on smart devices, and read newspapers from across the globe. While many young people may be physically separated by geography and/or socially separated by race or income, the Internet has been…  Read More

Teenager reading a book at a table

Books, Blogs and Teens: Raising Readers

“My son used to love reading when he was a little guy,” a mom recently lamented. “Now I honestly can’t remember the last time he read for fun.” This parent isn’t alone in expressing concern about her child’s waning interest in reading as he grows older. The latest reports point to steep drops in literary…  Read More

Toddlers and TV

Toddlers and TV: Zombies, Distracted, or Engaged?

“My kids constantly move from one activity to the next – except when it comes to toddlers and TV. Should I be worried when my 5 year old just sits and stares at the screen?” When TV was still a fairly new pastime for kids, researchers coined the term “zombie effect” to describe the glassy-eyed,…  Read More

Grandparent showing child a tree

Child Memory and Learning

Talking, Storytelling, and Other Memory "Scaffolding"

I wasn’t sure why my eighteen-month-old son Miles was squirming to get out of my arms, but he hit the kitchen floor running and was off to the far corner of the living room. We had just been looking at the big pot of soup simmering on the stove. I had pointed out the onions,…  Read More

Media Influence: “Whoever Tells the Stories Defines the Culture”

The power of stories We human beings come from a long line of storytellers. For many centuries our ancestors sat around campfires telling tales. Though the hearth of the kitchen table replaced the campfire for contemporary U.S. families, the storytelling didn’t stop. The stories came in all different sizes and shapes. Some recounted the news…  Read More

Teen listening to music

Influence of Music on Youth

How many hours do teenagers listen to music, a day? Including all music devices? Amanda, Nevada Amanda, Thanks for the question. We spend a lot of time focusing on cell phones, video games, and TV – but certainly listening to music continues to be one of teens’ favorite digital activities. Music has been central to…  Read More