
Child reading on tablet

Raising Readers in the Digital Age

Making the Most of Books, Tablets, and eReaders in Early Childhood

“Don’t eat the book Emmett!” my 3-year-old son Miles exclaimed as his baby brother brought “Peek-a-Who?” towards his open mouth. I reminded Miles that babies explore the world with their mouths. With an exasperated but knowing look at me that said “Silly babies,” Miles settled in next to me for his bedtime story while Emmett…  Read More

Summer Screen Time Rules

Many of our visions of summertime include thinking of kids splashing in the pool, exploring the woods, riding bikes, going to camps and programs, and hanging out with friends. There is certainly a wide menu of options for kids in the summertime and there are more hours to fill with fun. But there are powerful…  Read More

Child experiencing digital wellbeing while listening to music and working on laptop

The Three Pillars of Digital Wellbeing

What is digital wellbeing? It is certainly an elusive term, as digital technologies keep changing the way we live and communicate at breathtaking speed. Children and youth today spend more time tethered to technology than any other activity in their waking hours. It is transforming the way that they learn, share, connect and grow. We’ve…  Read More

A teenager trying to do homework amidst digital distractions from laptop and phone

Homework vs. YouTube: Tips for Reducing Distractions

As more and more homework goes online, students are tasked with a daunting task: How do I focus on the assignment and resist the allure of unrelated YouTube videos, social media posts, and other digital distractions? (I emphasize unrelated because some assignments ask students to draw on YouTube and other digital resources for learning). Your…  Read More

Kids enjoying screen time with their parents

Pediatricians Weigh in on Screen Time

What You Need to Know About the Latest Prescription for Parents

As I write this post, incredible new apps are hitting the marketplace, software developers are creating new digital learning platforms, and families settle in to stream their favorite TV shows on demand. There is no question that tech pros are very good at creating creative and innovative tools. The challenge is that the pace of…  Read More

Back of teenagers head looking at computer with phone near her

Decrease Digital Distractions and Increase Productivity

8 Parenting Tips to Help Your Child Focus

I just wrote a blog post about self-regulation, technology, and the importance of managing the environment to set our kids (and ourselves) up for success. Here are 8 ways to decrease digital distractions and increase productivity: Cut out background media and discourage multitasking (the exception to this might be calm music for some kids) when…  Read More