
The Case for Downtime and Mind Wandering

Why Engaging With the World Thoughtfully Demands That We Turn Inward

“It’s a lot,” an eleventh grader admitted to me recently. “There is always homework, updates to check, friends to respond to, and things to get done. Plus there is so much happening in the world right now. Sometimes I try to check out, but I still feel the pressure. It’s exhausting.” This student isn’t alone.…  Read More

Kids on a trail pointing into a dense bank of fog.

The Surprising Science of Awe and Why We Need It Right Now

“Wow, this is stunning,” my oldest said facetiously, staring into a wall of dense gray clouds. After a couple of hours of hiking in the dense forest, we had finally made it to the big, dramatic view.  Except that instead of a sweeping green vista, there were clouds. And we were inside them. “Isn’t it…  Read More